This film is based on an award-winning children’s adventure novel The Blind Witness (1983) by Arup Kumar Dutta. Arup Kumar Dutta’s adventure thriller (The Kaziranga Trail, 1979) for kids incidentally also won the first CBT award for writers of Children’s books, and was made into a movie Rhino (1987). The Blind Witness has also been translated … Continue reading "Back to CFSI: Netraheen Sakshi (1991)"
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Back to CFSI: Choo Lenge Aakash (2001)
CHOO LENGE AAKASH (2001) The film’s story is about a girl Sonu suffering from a slight handicap in her right leg since birth. In its simple way the film brings out how those with any kind of disabilities, whether big or small, can be integrated in every sphere without any special efforts. Again, in its … Continue reading "Back to CFSI: Choo Lenge Aakash (2001)"
“Perception of disability lies in the mind. A person with a pure and enlightened mind is a valuable citizen irrespective of whether he is physically disabled or not. The life of a differently challenged person can be enriched through creation of indomitable spirit in him.” -Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, (Indomitable Spirit) I usually stay away … Continue reading "BACK TO CFSI"
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