Are you a fan of the supernatural genre? Then you must be familiar with few of the Supernatural dramas on T.V. One of which is NAZAR. A bit about supernatural thrillers or dramas, with major focus on NAZAR, before its telecast-on 10th October.
The unknown attaches a mystery to itself. Tales of the preternatural, unusual incidents, magical powers, ghost stories all hold an attraction for people. Underneath the fear of the unknown, lies a curiosity.
Do ghosts really exist? Have people actually encountered some supernatural entity? Are such experiences of people merely stories or real? Frankly, no one of us would like to find that out personally. But we never mind listening to some tales. It’s perhaps the reason the Supernatural Dramas on T.V. are successful and find a wide and loyal fan base.
Supernatural genre is hugely popular in Hollywood. There have been several movies/ series made on the subject. Like the series “SUPERNATURAL” for instance. There are various names attached to the genre there. Supernatural, paranormal, occult etc. Many of the movies have acquired a cult status, like the GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) or the recent Conjuring (2013).
So is the case with NAZAR, the hugely popular supernatural drama/ thriller telecast on Star Plus from 2018-2020. Its popularity led to a second season, which was closed soon due to the pandemic.
I have stopped watching T.V. for a long time. Not that I don’t like watching, I simply love it. But over the years the watchability of the small screen is dwindling. Even if a series starts on a good note, the chronicling of daily ablutions and events can become a drag.
But during the lockdown last year we did many things differently. So, while switching channels last year I came across few episodes of Nazar. Intriguing first encounter. However, there were some supernatural series which started on an excellent premise but faltered along the way. So, I approached Nazar with wariness. But finishing the entire series on the web few weeks later has turned me into a die-hard fan.
Now, NAZAR’S returning for a day- against expectations of fans of a full-fledged sequel. Let’s take a quick recap of the first season and its main characters and what I liked about the show.
The Rathod’s live in Mumbai and are a close-knit joint family. At first it appears their eldest son Ansh is having some astrological problems in his birth chart. The problem, as it is later revealed is much more than what bad planetary conjunctions could create. And the problem is Ansh’s biological mother, who is a Dayan, herself. The Dayan was locked inside a temple several years ago, but not before permanently cursing the family- which is what her evil eye or Nazar means here.
Further, if the family doesn’t do something fast, which is getting Ansh married to a girl blessed by the Goddess herself (Daivik), Ansh too can become a problem. Reason- he has half human and half Dayan blood. That combo makes him a Davansh. Sounds funny or routine? It’s neither. Well, funny at times, but boring or a routine story it’s certainly not.
With Ansh being a Davansh there is a possibility of his switching over to the dark side. His family is determined not to let that happen. And they succeed, of course. But in between that and beyond, there are a lot of adventures and misadventures to encounter.THE CHARACTERS:
More headstrong and like a guy of his age initially, Ansh becomes more cautious and guarded once he comes to know about himself. After that– he is a sitting duck for all black entities (or kali shaktiyan) out there. Despite possessing powers, he is reluctant to use them to full potential. As his mother-Mohana- points out once- “You don’t know the power of the wings given, and even if you do won’t use them fully”. Very true. But I think Ansh was hampered more by lack of knowledge, than lack of skill. His father-in-law ought to have given him a crash-course or something in fighting kali shaktiyan.
After a long time, a heroine who is neither irritatingly bubbly nor the most ethical and rightful. Or behaving like someone who knows more about the world than all elders of the family combined. Piya was refreshing, strong, smart, intelligent and cute. And the Daivik to whom Ansh gets married and seems to abandon all his cares against black powers. Why not? She belongs to the clan fighting black powers- called Revavanshis here.
Ansh’s biological mother- the main antagonist whose “Nazar” has troubled the Rathod family. Mohana, in a long time a really clever, diabolical, manipulative villain. Though her plans get thwarted time and again, but she does throw serious challenges in the way of her enemies. And she is a step ahead in thinking- has to be- after 250 odd years of existence and experience. Mohana is a villain who you can’t help liking, still rooting for the good side to win. That’s rare.
Ansh’s mother, actually his aunt, who brought him up. Determined to save Ansh at any cost her impulsive and overzealous acts is often an impediment to her own purpose. Nevertheless, she is a sweet, well-meaning lady who loves Ansh and her family very much.
The head of the Rathod family, Vedashri’s husband, Ansh’s father (& paternal uncle). Though his character gets lesser lines; he manages not to look like a by-stander. In the characterization and portrayal, we always sense that he is the head of the family and a loving husband and father.
Ansh’s uncle. As the serial progresses, we wonder why he isn’t at his police work more. Perhaps the criminals of the city were not as active as the Dayan’s in the family life.
Ansh’s aunt and the one who gets some of the wittiest lines. Her untimely comments in a stressful situation are so well-timed- that we wonder how do the actors keep themselves from laughing.
Ansh’s sister, Kajal and his cousins Neha & Rishi are initially shown as his great support system. At times even his critics- especially Neha. But they vanished from the mix of things suddenly and viewers are still wondering about it. And we are so sure that Mohana didn’t do it.
Ansh & Piya’s son and daughter respectively. While Aditya gets his mother’s power and father’s temperament, the case is reverse with Pari. The baby Adi (called Munna) was the cutest addition to the cast.
Piya’s father and a Revavanshi- the clan fighting black entities. He is the most knowledgeable of them all, and the only one who can keep calm and use his brains. What he does not know he finds out. As said earlier Ansh needed a crash-course from him.
Piya’s mother, who had helped the Rathod’s lock away Mohana. She comes and goes between the story line. But even in her brief roles she gets a strong screen presence.
Piya’s sister. Shot tempered, and pugnacious. Trained by her father she also uses her skills well. Feisty and focused.
Initially, a trouble maker for Piya and Ansh he transforms and trains under Prof. Nishant to become a Revavanshi. Whichever side he is on, his antics and the characters that inhibit him, he is entertaining. Apart from Chaitali, Naman gets the wittiest of dialogues.DILRUBA:
A Chudail, and causing trouble in the beginning, she also transforms and settles for a more regular life with Naman. The pair was actually made for each other.
Ansh’s first wife, married in misunderstanding of being a Daivik. Ruby is also a Dayan- a very hot and modern one at that.
Well, these are by and far the major characters of the series. Others come and go. But I guess I have covered the important ones.
Oh- I forgot two very important ones:
Inanimate, but important. With all the throwing, falling, flying and leaping happening around, the 40-story building where Rathod’s live (apparently on the top floor) is an important character in itself.
The Rathod family’s Pandit, he brings along bad news to them, warnings mainly. As well solutions for some of them. Dangled/ thrown twice, and surviving it, from the above building, he comes as a superman without superpowers.A SINCERE REVIEW:
Sincerely, I am going to re-view it. Whenever things become tedious. As for a frank opinion, the way the entire premise and story is handled, deserves kudos. The story does not have needless digressions or unnecessary characters. Nor is the comedy (often unintended) forced. All characters, main or supportive are well written. The Davansh and Daivik are the leads. Despite that all characters are more than mere on-lookers. Big or small all of them have been etched and presented with equal importance.
The Dayans or Chudails or any other black entities are shown here as belonging to separate clan/ genetics in itself. They are free-spirited, independent, and unapologetically living for themselves. That interpretation was completely new and unexpected.
Yes, the incidents can become repetitive- but think of it this way. The Rathod’s are a family that share strong bond and Mohana obviously is unwelcome. So, it’s about a lonely Dayan who can neither see her family happy nor stay away from them. That might help to understand some of Mohana’s psychology and constant threats.
It does not become dark or grotesque. And most importantly what it has is the best of VFX on Indian T.V. Cleanly done and full of action.
Mostly whenever audience step into the world of supernatural dramas, be it film or T. V., they know what’s being shown is not reality. It’s only a make-believe world, that too emanating from highly imaginative minds. So, it’s better not to take it too seriously- the preternatural elements and their impact that is.
To be frank the serials apparently based on real/ normal people have more illogical tracks than a supernatural one can have at times.
If you are not a fan of supernatural genre, or more particularly the Indian versions, stay away. Else just give it a try. It’s more fun to watch these Dayans from folklores and fantasies, than some spiteful, vindictive characters apparently based on people around us.
Nazar is a great supernatural drama. And the whole team behind and in front of the camera did superb work.
But like any other fan I ask- why not Nazar 3? A full series to begin from where it ended in first season. With the troubles starting from Ansh getting more powers. Powers coveted equally by black entities as well as mortal humans.
You know considering that Mohana is 250 years old Dayan in 2018, we can safely assume that she was born in 1768. Leaving the 18 years or her captivity, you have 232 years of stories. The past three centuries- belonging to the era of foreign dominion over India; of kings and queens; breakdown of our long-established governance systems- present a plethora of possibilities. Possibilities of flashbacks; to travel along the length and breadth of our country; visiting past deeds of Mohana; it’s repercussions on the present. With the talented and ingenious team of writers you can even evolve it into a Nazar universe on T.V. (something akin to the Marvel or Conjuring).
Oh, the fan fiction I can think of…..
But, alas, it’s only back for a day. Let’s just enjoy it.
All the while wishing it to return into a full-blown series, of course.
DISCLAIMER: The screencaps/videos presented here are only for the purpose of entertainment and pleasure of viewers/ readers. The copyright over the photos/ series/ songs/ videos/ films rests with the owners/ producers of the respective movies/ serials/ broadcasters. Except for the failed attempt at drawing the Dayan ki Choti.